Electronic Service Address for Employer Contributions
Calling all SMSF holders: is your tax agent Oxygen Private Clients? Under the federal government's Stronger Super initiative, employers are required to send data to the ATO detailing the amount and type of superannuation contributions made on your behalf.
If you're planning to change jobs anytime soon, or have changed workplaces recently, and wish to continue to have your Super Guarantee Contribution paid into your SMSF, you will need to provide an Electronic Service Address (ESA) to your payroll manager. SMSFs that are looked after by Oxygen Private Clients use the ESA smsfdataflow (all lowercase).
You can also submit these details to your payroll department by completing a Superannuation Standard Choice form, available on the ATO website or from the Oxygen Private Clients office.
Some superannuation clearing houses and payroll software will not process the employer contribution without an ESA, so it is best to provide the details as soon as you change employment.
For further information contact Helen McPhee, Senior Manager -- Superannuation, Oxygen Private Clients 03 9977 2600